Slide The Ing Studio identidad visual vecto Keep Look-Ing. Welcome to my website. Please The Ing Studio identidad visual vecto The Ing Studio identidad visual vecto ver-siguiente-banner-theingstudio Slide Be bold and start to Be Inspir-Ing. ver-banner-anterior-theingstudio ver-siguiente-banner-theingstudio Slide ver-banner-anterior-theingstudio Stop Seek-Ing. ver-siguiente-banner-theingstudio Design with character

Philosophy 'Ing'.

'To live the present continuous' or 'continuously, living the present'.

The word situation may change our way of thinking. Maybe now, we the people, learn how to live the current moment the best we can, without thinking too much about what will happen in an uncertain future.

-The crisis brings progress. Creativity emerges as daylight arises from the dark night. It is in the crisis that inventiveness, discoveries, and great strategies arise. Those who overcome the crisis overcome themselves without being ‘overcome’.-
-Albert Einstein-

My Portfolio.


My Skills.

Graphic Design
Web Design


Years | Experience.

Years | Working Remotely.

Hours | Week.

Hours | Day.

Take a look one of my last
Promotional Video for
Herbst Software (Dublin)

Featured Comments

One of Sonia's greatest strengths is her ability to establish and create multiple brands. She played a significant role in developing the look and feel of our brands, ensuring that they were consistent across a variety of formats, including online, print, websites, and promotional items. Her knowledge and expertise in branding were invaluable to our team.

Eric D. Moeller CEO Overnight Success

I have worked closely with Sonia Rodríguez for more than 4 years. She was employed as Art Director at my company Herbst Software. Ms. Rodríguez excelled in this role and completed hundreds of design projects for our company, on time and on budget.

Orson Herbst Manager Director / Herbst Software.

Sonia is an excellent Designer well versed in both print and online materials and is exceptional at creating well-conceived design themes round loosely defined specifications.

Clara Martí Marketing Director / Max Room.


Talk to Me.

Call Me | Whatsapp Me | E-mail Me.
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Logo Ing Studio Design

C/ Eucalipto, 6 -Villa
05270 El Tiemblo
Ávila – Spain.
Phone: +34620826898


To display my work in a Bold & Confident manner. Sometimes may look “too much” but is still a way for creativity to stand out from the crowd.
In any case, I do prefer looking -too much- rather than -too less- Isn’t it?