Kõrgemäe Talu.

Kõrgemäe Talu rural accommodations (Demo live but in process awaiting Estonian translations). This e-commerce website for booking accommodation and services has been designed without original content, which has required a Professional Photographer (photographs taken by Tinka Manne), relevant content’s layout (or “copy”), and additionally, the creation of promotional material. (in process for its prompt completion).

See Website.

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Logo Ing Studio Design

C/ Eucalipto, 6 -Villa
05270 El Tiemblo
Ávila – Spain.
Phone: +34620826898


To display my work in a Bold & Confident manner. Sometimes may look “too much” but is still a way for creativity to stand out from the crowd.
In any case, I do prefer looking -too much- rather than -too less- Isn’t it?